NEW YORK, (April 16, 2022) –  Caroline Barrett, SanovaWorks Chief of Operating Officer

April is Environmental Awareness Month at SanovaWorks

Environmental awareness and activism are a cornerstone of the foundation of our company. The decision to become a fully remote company was driven not only by what is best for our team and company culture but for the environment. Working remotely removes the need for transportation, a traditional brick and mortar office,  and thus reduces our carbon emissions, so we ease our carbon footprint by having a  staff that primarily works from home. We are committed to our remote work company culture and to expanding our environmental awareness and activism.

Annual Corporate Donations

SanovaWorks demonstrates our commitment to environmental awareness and to Mother Earth through our annual corporate donations. These donations are specifically to a non-profit dedicated to environmental justice

Yearly, we invite Team Sanova to help choose the organization we ultimately decide to support.

SanovaWorks supports organizations that work to protect our wildlife, public health, wild places, and natural resources through climate activism and environmental justice. 

Share Green & Win Green

Team Sanova gets involved in the conversation by sharing their personal environmentally conscious and energy-saving tips. 

Always unplug your electronics when you’re not using them. When plugged in, electronics fall victim to this vampire power, standby power, or phantom load.  Unplugging kitchen appliances, TVs, and anything that uses electricity when not in use, saves energy, which saves money. If you typically leave your electronics plugged in, the “vampire plug” effect can compound and suck your bank account dry and harm the environment over time. Time to make it a habit to unplug.

Adopting a plant-based diet is an easy way to positively impact climate change and gain the added benefits of better health and nutrition. “Factory farming accounts for 37% of methane (CH4) emissions, which has more than 20 times the global warming potential of CO2.” If you aren’t able to completely commit to a plant-based diet, you can choose to 1) reduce the amount of animal products you consume, and 2) consume sustainable products that are humanely raised with environmental protection and consciousness in mind.


How Stuff Works:  Vampire Power

Farm Sanctuary

April is Environmental Awareness Month at SanovaWorks