NEW YORK, (May 6, 2021) –  Shelley Tanner, SanovaWorks CEO/President

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month

Attending to our mental health is vital. Over the past year, stress and anxiety have been at all-time highs. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives forever. Taking the time to acknowledge the challenges, grief, and loss that we have collectively experienced is essential. SanovaWorks offered days of rest in 2020 in response to the need for Team members to engage in some much-needed self-care. This May 28 SanovaWorks will be closed for a Day of Rest once again. 

1 in 4 adults reported experiencing symptoms of an anxiety or depressive disorder in February 2021 — a significant increase from the prior year. – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1

While there is a lot of evidence that our collective mood can be described as “languishing” it doesn’t take a series of significant and positive life events to get to “flourishing”. Some tweaks in our overall outlook and how we spend our time will cause us to feel as if we are flourishing. Studies also show that adopting a gratitude practice, and the ability to savor and celebrate the little things are instrumental in bringing fulfillment to our lives. 

Some simple practices that will help in your quest to flourish are shared in a recent New York Times article. I found quite a bit of inspiration in that list. The list may seem obvious, but when added together in a dedicated effort, you are guaranteed a feeling of flourishing on the other side.2 


Instead of waiting to celebrate the big life events like birthdays, graduation, marriage, having a family, or buying a new home, savor and celebrate small things. Enjoy the moment in a delicious taste, a beautiful view, or a delightful smell. Celebrate tiny victories and use celebrating to develop relationships.


The article suggests instituting a gratitude dinner once a week. I am a big fan of a daily gratitude practice. However you get there, it’s guaranteed to increase your overall feeling of wellbeing.

Pay it forward

SanovaWorks is built on a foundation of goodwill, philanthropy, and a wish to help others for the greater good. We engage our Team members and collectively choose non-profit organizations that are working toward a better world. Every year Team Sanova takes a day to Volunteer. It gives us an opportunity to give back, as a group, working together, creating connection and goodwill. Last year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were limited to volunteering at a safe distance, but that did not stop us from paying it forward.

Connect through community

SanovaWorks operates as a remote work environment. We have since 2012. Pre-pandemic we had opportunities to connect in person as a work family at conferences, and we certainly look forward to that again. In the meantime, Team Sanova is starting a virtual break room meet-up once a week where we can gather to celebrate monthly birthdays, chat about what to watch when we are streaming, favorite recipe ideas, vacation plans, and anything that inspires us. Outside of our work family, team members have spiritual communities, and groups that they are part of that inspire their hobbies and family life. 

Transform your everyday routines into meaningful activities

The way to see a purpose in your everyday life is by zooming out to see the bigger picture. Your job may include some tasks that you would rather put off than transform, I get it. We all have an exhaustive laundry list of To-Do items that never, ever go away. The trick is to see the valuable impact of doing the things that need to be done when they need to be done, and how our actions positively impact those around us. Packing lunch for the kids becomes the nourishment that they need to build strong healthy bodies

Try something new

Variety, spice, and a happy life. All that good stuff comes when we try on something new. When we engage in new activities over those that become routine, we feel joy and find a renewed sense of purpose too. Many people reported finding joy in activities, like learning a new language, trying new recipes, getting fit by becoming a yoga teacher, or writing a song, or starting a blog. Step out of the routine and explore your passions to find that inspiring hobby of a lifetime. 

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Immediate assistance is available for those in need of help by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or by calling 1-800-662-HELP. 


1 A Proclamation on National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2021 from the White House

2 The Other Side of Languishing is Flourishing:  Here’s How You Get There